I recently got reminded of this outstanding, extremely pale Common Reed Bunting / Rohrammer (Emberiza schoeniclus) that was present on the 24th of December 2014 near Unterpremstätten, Austria. I vividly remember how some twitchers tried …
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The winner of the Eastern Marsh Harrier look-alike contest
The plumage of Western Marsh Harriers / Rohrweihen (Circus aeruginosus) can be amazingly variable thanks to different morphs, individual variation and depending on sex and age. Some variation in adult male Western Marsh Harriers: I …
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Band-backed Wren / Tigerzaunkönig (Campylorhynchus zonatus) is a large wren distributed from Mexico to Ecuador where it also frequents high altitudes up to 3000 m. It breeds cooperatively, which means that breeding pairs get help …
Continue readingAn Oriole in December in Iran
On 16 December 2019 I encountered this (juvenile) Oriole / Pirol (Oriolus sp.) with Martin Suanjak on Qeshm island, Iran. The bird was in short-term company of six Dark-throated Thrushes / Schwarzkehldrosseln (Turdus atrogularis). We …
Continue readingAnmerkungen zur Unterscheidung fliegender Zwergscharben und Kormorane
Clues to identification of flying Great and Pygmy Cormorants.
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