While birding with Alfredo Tol Gonzalez on Atitlán volcano, Guatemala on 8th January 2024, he pointed me to a Brown-backed Solitaire / Braunrückenklarino (Myadestes occidentalis) with an aberrant song at about 2250 m altitude. It …
Continue readingSchlagwort: aberrant
Strange sounds of a European Robin
A first-year European Robin / Rotkehlchen (Erithacus rubecula) caught during a standardized bird ringing operation at St. Martins Lodge, Frauenkirchen (Austria) gave strange, squeaking sounds while still in the net, while held in the cloth …
Continue readingA very, very pale Shelduck
It’s not the first, whitish Common Shelduck / Brandgans (Tadorna tadorna) that I have come across at Seewinkel, Austria (but probably the only one I took some snapshots of). It seems that aberrantly colored individuals …
Continue readingA too pale Black-headed Gull
Photos of an aberrant, adult Common Black-headed Gull / Lachmöwe (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) from Seewinkel, Austria. The head pattern and bill colour might pose a potential ID pitfall in regard to Slender-billed Gull / Dünnschnabelmöwe (Chroicocephalus …
Continue readingCommon Pochard with one white cheek
Photos of a male Common Pochard / Tafelente (Aythya ferina) with asymmetric color aberration (one white cheek) from Lebring, Austria.
Continue readingA very pale Reed Bunting
I recently got reminded of this outstanding, extremely pale Common Reed Bunting / Rohrammer (Emberiza schoeniclus) that was present on the 24th of December 2014 near Unterpremstätten, Austria. I vividly remember how some twitchers tried …
Continue reading„Brown“ Northern Lapwing in Austria
I often stumble upon older photos of special birds when going through my photo archives, looking for something else. This pale Northern Lapwing / Kiebitz (Vanellus vanellus) was in a group of spring migrants in …
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