Eurasian Spoonbill in the Seewinkel

Spring 2013 keeps me extremely busy with guiding wildlife and photo excursions in the Seewinkel for St. Martins Therme & Lodge, the Austrian breeding bird census (check out the beautiful new birdwatching portal!), my photo exhibtion in Leutschach, various excursions, lectures and many more things.
I added a lot of cool pictures to my archive during the last months but for now, I only want to show you what I shot yesterday morning, right before work.
In Austria, the Eurasian Spoonbill (Löffler, Platalea leucorodia) does only breed in the southern part of Lake Neusiedl, within the national park Neusiedler See – Seewinkel. The population is increasing and now at around 90 breeding pairs.
In the photos, you see a breeding plumaged adult of this extremely charismatic species hunting for tadpoles in the shallow water of Lake Darscho.