Stock Dove tries to mate with Collared Dove

On 16th March 2024 Martin Suanjak and me observed an apparent male Stock Dove / Hohltaube (Columba oenas) persistently following and trying to mate with a Eurasian Collard-Dove / Türkentaube (Streptopelia decaocto) at St. Martins Lodge, Frauenkirchen/Austria. The latter didn’t reciprocate the Stock Dove’s advances though and kept fleeing from the pursuer. In a radius of around 100 metres and over maybe 30 minutes (probably much longer before and after our observation), the Collared Dove would land on a perch, with the Stock Dove following seconds later, trying to jump on the Collared Dove, causing the Collared Dove to fly to the next perch.

I haven’t found much on hybridization in Stock Dove in general (but evidence seems to exist e.g. of it hybridizing with Common Woodpigeon and Feral Pigeon, probably in captivity) but especially no hints at all for to this potential hybrid combination. Avibase lists Stock Dove x European Turtle Dove, which would be a combination of the same genera, but without any source.